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Avoid these typical things which ruin your jewellery

Date: 10-07-2024


Many people don’t know how to take care of their jewellery. We experience many who do not know, for example, that they are not allowed to swim with jewellery or put their hands in a bucket of detergent, says Susanna Müller, co-owner of Müller's Goldsmith in Frederikssund (Danemark). She gives you here five tips on how she cares her jewellery.

Cleaners, body lotion, hair lacquer and perfume. Everyday life is packed with things that ruin your jewellery. And there are many who are not aware at all.

“It is a pity and shame to spend a lot of money on a jewel if you do not know how to care for it. And if you don't, all your jewellery will become ugly and lose both clarity and shine” says Susanna Müller.

In fact, it only takes two minutes for jewellery to sparkle and sparkle like new. Nevertheless, many people do not realise that jewellery requires exactly the same everyday care as when, for example, leather shoes have to be treated with the correct leather cream.

This also applies to daily contact with cream, body oils and perfume on the skin, which deposits dirt and grease on the jewellery. And then especially detergents can really wear on the jewellery.

"In general, you have to remember to take off your jewellery when you clean" says Susanna Müller.

But all metals and gems have vastly different formulas and require vastly different care. For example, stones must be cared for quite differently from diamonds and gold. A basic rule, however, is that you always have to take off your jewellery when you clean, sunbathe and swim.

“You have to understand what jewellery you have and how it is best cared for. Without care, gold becomes dull, while silver simply corrodes and breaks. We have a number of selected care products you can purchase from G&A Warburtons in-store or online that are perfect for the purpose.

Here she gives you Susanna's best advice on how to best care for the jewellery:

- Use specially developed quality care products from Warburtons to clean your jewellery

- Avoid all kinds of knocks to the jewellery

- Keep your jewellery away from contact with nail polish remover, perfume, soap, detergents and hair spray

- Do not use your jewellery when bathing or swimming. Take off your rings when washing hands and cleaning

- Also take off your jewellery when you exercise, sunbathe and sleep.